Monday, December 6, 2010

intelligence not to be measured by accolades

A person who posses self control is able to manage their impulsive feelings and distressing emotions. I read somewhere that there is a link between self control and intelligence. Now thats a scary thought. How many people do you know that are able to maintain a level of self control? Not many. Lets be honest, we all know these people exist. Why is it that the smart and well educated turn out to be THE biggest babies?! (I can think of a few names off the top of my head and I used to work for them)

If you thought you could measure someone's intelligence by their accolades, think again.

I thank therapy and meditation classes for my much needed inner peace. I was in therapy for a few years due to anger issues=lack of control=heads on a stick. I had the people closest to me walking on egg shells. My moods were always on the extreme; extremely happy or extremely irritable, which lead to lashing out in rage. The slightest things set me off and after everything was said and done, I had to do damage control. My anger was the cause and the source of my lack of self control. In fact, I was pretty primitive; hungry=eat, sad=cry, angry=make people sorry. I even once dubbed myself "the punisher", as a sorry ass attempt to justify my anger. I realized my anger was the barrier between myself and the people I love. I am not perfect but I am happier and able to contain myself, if needed...kinda feeds off each other.

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