I have been blogging since 2001 and took a hiatus since attending Otis. I didn't have much time for a life then, let alone blog and now, I have no choice but to take life slow. So, I thought I'd start to gather my thoughts and blog again. I wasn't sure if I wanted to take the commitment to blog, so the idea of blogging came and went a few times. The slow economy has forced me to be still and to really self reflect... So, I thought, eh. why not. This slow time has made me realize my new found purpose and to really grow as a person. I don't know if its due to the econ or the timing of it all but I have learned to dig deep within myself to find compassion toward others and to forgive. I realized that I have lived my years as a hurt scared being and only brought misery to the people closest to me. I guess to sum it all up, I have found new perspective on life.
With that, here's to a new beginning and a new blog!
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