Tuesday, November 30, 2010


     It is said: when you pray, you speak to god/God.

    When you meditate, god/God speaks to you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I love alcohol

All alcoholic drinks, all types.

But a Sapphire gin and tonic is where heart is at.

Since Monkey decided to steer clear of hard liquor, and  myself being the supportive girlfriend, have not had a gin and tonic in what feels like an eternity. How I miss the spicy crisp taste from the Juniper trees that create a forresty flavor..the bubbles that gently burst and tickle on my tongue from the tonic water... the extra lime that make it crisp and oh so refreshing. Oh how I miss thee. We shall unite soon.. Must. Be. Supportive. 
Drink personalities decoded:

Nothing good in life comes easy. You enjoy gourmet experiences and have patience.

You love to dance and you're always the first to sing karaoke.

Martini (dirty)
You are serious and most likely will not try any other kind of libation.

Martini (flavored, such as Appletinis)
You are adventurous and willing to sample any trendy cocktail.

Well, the cosmo is a hip cocktail to order thanks to "Sex and the City." Manhattan: You are well-traveled and appreciate the finer things in life.

Rum and Coke
This is a classic. You are great company and are not at all fussy.

Gin and tonic
Gin drinkers are great storytellers and give straight-to-the-point advice that is not sugarcoated.

You love to celebrate and create an experience for your friends and family.

Beer drinkers are honest people who make the best of friends.

Which one are you?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fasten your seatbelts!

I have been blogging since 2001 and took a hiatus since attending Otis. I didn't have much time for a life then, let alone blog and now, I have no choice but to take life slow. So, I thought I'd start to gather my thoughts and blog again. I wasn't sure if I wanted to take the commitment to blog, so the idea of blogging came and went a few times. The slow economy has forced me to be still and to really self reflect... So, I thought, eh. why not. This slow time has made me realize my new found purpose and to really grow as a person. I don't know if its due to the econ or the timing of it all but I have learned to dig deep within myself to find compassion toward others and to forgive. I realized that I have lived my years as a hurt scared being and only brought misery to the people closest to me. I guess to sum it all up, I have found new perspective on life.

With that, here's to a new beginning and a new blog!